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Labels are a useful feature that help with the organization of nodes and workloads. They can be defined and used freely. All labels that have been created are listed in the labels menu.

Label List

Item Description
Search bar (1) Use the search bar to filter labels by key.
Merge labels (2) Clicking here leads to a page that allows to merge existing labels.
Add new label (3) Click here to add a new label consisting of label key and label value.
KEY (4) This is the key of the label. It can be understood as the "category" of the label. Examples of label keys are location, machine number or hardware.
VALUE (5) This is the value of the label. It corresponds to the key of the label. Examples are Vienna, Machine 1 or MFN 100.
Ellipsis menu (6) Clicking here opens an overlay that allows the deletion of labels.

Adding a new label

Labels can be defined with any key and value. Note that labels are displayed in the <key>:<value> format in the Management System. The key of a label can be understood as the category of a label with the value being an item in that category. Example: Location:Vienna.

  1. Select Labels in the menu on the left side.
  2. Click the Add new label icon in the upper-right corner.

    Add New Label

  3. Enter the following information:

    Item Description
    Label key Enter the "category" of the label. Example: Hardware.
    Label value Enter the value for the label here. Example: MFN 100.


    Label keys must consist of one word only. Use - and _ as separators.
    Also, only use alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and underscore (_). Any other special characters are not allowed.

  4. Click Save to add the new label.

    Save New Label

The label now appears in the label list and can be used in the Management System. Labels can be assigned to nodes when node details are edited. In the workload provisioning process they can be chosen as selectors.

Editing a label

Editing a label is virtually identical to the process of creating a new label. Note that labels will be edited even if they are currently assigned to nodes or used as selectors by workloads.

  1. Select Labels in the menu on the left side.
  2. Select a label to edit.

    Label List

  3. Edit Label key and Label value.

    Edit Label


    Label keys must consist of one word only. Use - and _ as separators.
    Also, only use alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and underscore (_). Any other special characters are not allowed.

  4. Click Save to update the label.

Merging labels

Labels with overlapping information or typos can be merged into one. However, only label keys are merged. The label values are left untouched and assigned to the new label key.

  1. Select Labels in the menu on the left side.
  2. Click the Merge labels icon in the upper-right corner.

    Merge Labels

  3. Tick the checkboxes left of the labels that will be merged. Multiple labels can be selected.

  4. Select Merge.

    Merge Labels


    The table here gives the following information:

    • CASE
      The system checks if labels that use the same characters are also written in the same case. A green check mark indicates that the case matches. A circled red exclamation mark appears if the case does not match.

      The number here indicates how many labels have been defined with the same label key.

  5. Type in the new name for the label key.

    Merge Labels

  6. Click Save to save the new label.


If labels have the same label key but are not written in the same case, the Management System will recognize it. In this case, select FIX CASE in the list, type in the new name for the label key and select Save.

Fix Case

Deleting a label

Note that when a label is deleted from the list, it will also be deleted from any node or workload that had the label assigned.

  1. Select Labels in the menu on the left side.
  2. Choose a label to delete.

    Label List

  3. Click the ellipsis menu on the right side of the label.

  4. Select Delete in the overlay that appeared.

    Delete Label

  5. Click OK to delete the label.

Adding a label to a node

Adding a label to a node is done in the node menu. It is recommended to create labels before they are added to nodes.

  1. Select Nodes in the navigation on the left.
  2. Select the nodes tab Nodes Symbol on the right to display the list of registered nodes.
  3. Select a node to which a label will be assigned.

    Nodes List

  4. Start typing in the Insert label field. Available labels will be displayed if they match the typed string.

    Type Label String

  5. Select a label from the suggestions.

  6. Select Update to save the changes to the node.

Adding a label to a workload

Adding a label to a workload is done in the workloads menu. It is recommended to create labels before they are added to workloads. Note that only pre-defined labels can be added to workloads.

  1. Select Workloads in the navigation on the left.
  2. Select a workload to which a label will be assigned.

    Workloads List

  3. Select the workload version to which a label will be assigned.

    Select Workload Version

  4. Start typing in the Insert label field. Available labels will be displayed if they match the typed string.

    Type Label String

  5. Select a label from the suggestions.

  6. Select Update to save the changes to the node.